Partner With Us
Being a social purpose company, we want to continue to remain focused on making essential positive impacts with less focus on returns.
We want to remain to provide quality adequate toilets at a price that low-income people can afford.
We can only continuously do this when you partner with us with your resources, time and skills.
Who Can Partner Us
WASHKing partners with trusted and suitable development organisations (like NGOs and Foundations), knowledge institutions, public/governmental institutions, corporate organisations and individuals to create positive and lasting impacts and change for communities and the world. We will work with you as a partner to develop a relationship mutually beneficial and sustainable.
We encourage you to join our list of partners so that together we can create the change and future we want for ourselves, communities and the continent of Africa. Are you wondering whether you can collaborate with us? Do you need more partnership information package? Kindly contact us using the Contact Form on this page or email us directly at washking.gh@gmail.com.
Why partner with us?
We believe, together, we can work better to achieve our social mission and create a positive change to safeguard not just our present and future quality existence and wellbeing but also those of others after us.
With WASHKing toilets, we achieve considerable triple bottom line impacts of economic, social and environmental in stimulating the local economies, strengthen community resilience, and manage environmental resources soundly. Through this, we are making a real difference in many lives, communities and the environment.
Partnering with us you can, among others, enhance your brand, fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility agenda to give back to society and access our audiences.
How you can partner with us
By 2030, we aspire to build over 40K toilets to impact more than 320K underserved and low-income people, creating above 320K decent job opportunities.
We value you partnering with us to achieve this essential social good through:
(1) funding (this can e.g., loan, grant and/or equity)
(2) in-kind contributions (e.g., specialised skills, knowledge and time as a coach, mentor and/or project staff.)